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King mattress sale

Опубликовано: 27.08.2018


Опубликовано: 12.05.2017

What is the difference between a King size and a California King size mattress?

If you’re someone who likes to have a lot of room when they sleep, our California King Mattress, also often referred to as a “Western King” is tailor-made for you. We have many different makes and models of the Cal King, but with an average length of 72″ and average width of 84″, you get 42 square feet of sleeping space in one supremely comfortable mattress.


One of our most popular mattresses, the California King Mattress was first introduced in 1950, when homes and bedrooms started getting larger. Many people who bought those homes wanted a king-size centerpiece for their bigger master bedrooms, and many opted for the Cal King Size as their mattress of choice. Seventy-five years later, people keep finding more and more reasons to go with the Cal King. These over-sized mattresses are ideally suited for:


Tall people who need room to stretch out when they sleep

Family members who need to share a bed due to limited space

Families with dogs or cats who like to sleep on the bed

People who like to watch TV, eat, or work on the laptop in bed

Sit ‘n Sleep offers a wide variety of high-quality California King mattresses from America’s most trusted mattress manufacturers, including Sealy, Beautyrest, Sherwood, Tempur-Pedic, Aireloom and more. What’s more, we offer three different types of mattress materials to meet your individual comfort level needs. These include:


Innerspring. Lightweight and easy to turn or flip over, innerspring mattresses provide a comfortable sleeping experience at an affordable price. Prices tend to be especially good during a иточник .


Memory foam. A relatively recent advancement in mattress technology, memory foam mattresses contour to your body as you sleep, promoting natural spinal alignment and helping to relieve pain. They also resist motion transfer so two sleepers can move without disturbing the other person.

Hybrid. These contain different combinations of materials such as memory foam, latex and innersprings. They also conform to the sleeper’s body, and are known for providing excellent support and a very comfortable sleeping experience.

Sit N Sleep offers everything you’re looking for in a Cal King mattress, including comfort, style, support, durable construction, and plenty of sleeping room – all at an affordable price. You’ll enjoy a good night’s sleep each and every night. And if the kids or the dogs want to pile in with you, there’s plenty of room to spare!

Keep in mind that Cal king size mattresses can vary in size depending on the manufacturer. So if you’re buying for a specific size frame or headboard, be sure to check the exact measurements before choosing your mattress.

Twin vs Full vs Queen vs King vs California King Mattress Sizes


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